Thursday, 11 April 2013

First post

So this is the first post of my blog and this is also my first ever blog. So a whole new experience, this could be fun.

As you've probably guessed already my blog will be all about 40k and possibly a bit of fantasy, but mostly 40k. I have been playing 40K now for just over 5 years and still enjoy playing it as much as I did the first time. I play space marines, imperial guard, grey knights, orks and necrons. Currently I'm playing with my necrons most of the time, so most posts about army progress for now will most likely be about necrons. But nonetheless I can easily do tactics for most armies. I will include pictures throughout my posts, or at least try to fit in as many as I can. Don't expect pro painting guides, I can give tips on painting, but I'm not that good of a painter, my heart goes out to the gaming side.

I will post a fair bit in the next couple of weeks, but then slow it down due to exams. I will always try to post at least once a week however.

So please follow my blog and post a comment below of what future posts you want me to do.

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