Saturday, 9 November 2013

Tournament report part 3

I've done it! I've finally got round to writing part 3, and hopefully the momentum will keep me going to write part 4 as well.

Anyway without further a do, here comes part 3. So game 2 was against Connor Middlemass, and his necrons.
Yes that's right, round 2 and I pulled the player with 18 wraiths. His list:
Destroyer lord MSS Sempiternal weave 
5 Immortals tesla, night scythe
5 immortals tesla, night scythe
6 wraiths
6 wraiths
6 wraiths
Annihilation barge tesla cannon

Every table was playing the same mission and deployment, which was emperor's will and short board edges (can't remember what it's actually called). We rolled off and I got first turn and picked sides. Annoyingly  there was a massive piece of LOS blocking terrain in the middle of the board, and of course wraiths can hide behind it and ignore it when moving. So with a 24" gap between us and my guns having a max range of 24" I deployed right on the edge of my DZ (deployment zone). So I would move up 4/5" with everything and be in range of his wraiths. Usual deployment for me, ghost arks protecting each others rear armour and the 3 annihilation barges spread out. warriors in ghost arks, nights scythes plus overlord and other troops inside, in reserves. My objective is in my back left corner. As I expected, he deploys all 3 units of wraiths on the edge of his DZ, his destroyer lords unit mostly behind the LOS blocking building. His annihilation barge was just behind a wraith unit on the right flank. Surprisingly he deploys both immortal squads in a piece of area terrain (a very very ruined building) with his emperors will objective.

So my predictions of this game are; I'll get 2 rounds of shooting before his wraiths get into combat with me, in theory. So I should be able to kill 2 units of wraiths before the assualt, but my flyers could be shot down by his flyers. I could win this, if all goes to plan that is. My plan was ruined before turn 1, quite literally. If you haven't guessed already, he stole the initiative.

Turn 1:
Connor moved his wraiths up and ran them, all of the wraiths got at least a 4" run. His annihilation barge moved and does no damage, and the immortals just sit on his objective. 

I start by moving everything back, and manage to immobilise an annihilation barge on a building. Shooting downs 5/6 wraiths from 2 seperate units.

Turn 2: 
Neither of his flyers comes in, his wraiths move into an assault position. Annihilation barge moves around and does nothing with his shooting. Due to the positioning of my ghost arks, his destroyer lord and a full unit of wraiths manage to assault both. Luckily for me he only blows up one, the other loses its quantum shielding and I think a gauss flatter array. A unit of 3 wraiths assault the immobilised annihilation barge on the building and wreck. The last unit of 4 wraiths assault and blow up another annihilation barge. 

Erm, it doesn't look good at all. My overlords night scythe comes in with the immortals and overlord inside. Everyone shuffles around, my warriors which were inside the ghost ark don't move. Shooting, and I kill one more wraith from the 3 man squad. Night scythe shoots down 3 immortals, they hold and 1 gets back up.

Turn 3:
One of his flyers comes in, wraiths move around and annihilation barge shuffles a bit, immortals stand still. Shooting, manages to bring my night scythe down to 1HP and takes off its weapon, some lucky evasion rolls means my night scythe survives, so the troops inside don't have to go into reserves. Between his 3 units of wraiths and destroyer lord, my last annihilation barge gets killed, my ghost ark goes and so does the other warrior squad from the other ghost ark.

My immortals and overlord disembark, my last night scythe comes in and my other warrior squad from the ghost ark that got killed last turn, moves onto my objective. Immortal night scythe flies off the board. My stormtek in the immortal squad kills his annihilation barge. My night scythe fails to kill his night scythe, only glancing it, doing 1HP of damage. Test of my shooting is ineffective.

Turn 4:
His destroyer lord and wraiths move back to deal with my immortals and overlord. His last night scythe comes in, his other night scythe flies off the board. Remaining wraiths move in on my warrior squad. Shooting downs my night scythe and his immortals might kill a couple of my immortals but they stand back up. Assault phase and destroyer lord and wraiths assault my immortals and overlord. Only the unit of 4 wraiths makes it into combat with my warriors. He issues a challenge with his destroyer lord against my overlord, I accept. We both fail our MSS tests, hit ourselves 3 times each and successfully wound all 3 times, thus our warlords killing themselves. His wraiths whiff and I hold, but wait his destroyer lord does not get up, but my overlord does, by far my best moment in 40k yet. In the other combat his wraiths manage to down 3 warriors and the cryptek, I fall back, but he doesn't catch me and the cryptek stands up, bring the unit back to 50%. 

Warriors re-group and move back onto the objective, warriors from my night scythe walk on. Remaing night scythe flies on. Shooting is ineffective. In combat only my overlord survives and sticks around. 

Turn 5: 
His 4 man wraith unit move to engage the full warrior squad, while the 2 man unit move to engage the 3 man warrior squad. Shooting and my last night scythe goes down. Into assault and my warriors on the objective die, so do the other warriors and finally my overlord goes as well. And I'm tabled at turn 5. 

So I lost game 2. But it was definitely one of the better games of 6th I've had, espicially when our warlords killed themselves and only mine got up. I find that I learn more from loses than wins. In this case focus on a single unit and take it down, don't take a few wounds off here and there. MVP goes to my overlord, just for taking out his destroyer lord (warlord). 

So part 4 will be the last part and round 3, which I will be facing ravenwing. Thanks for reading and stay tuned.