Sunday, 6 October 2013

Getting started with necrons

So I've posted about competitive play with necrons. But not yet about getting started with the necrons. Well not until now that is.....

This post is mainly to help out the gamers from elysium wargames club up in dundee, but also really for anyone else who's starting out with necrons.

Necrons are actually not that bad to start out with. My first 3 games with necrons were in one day, in which I won all 3 games. I was using 2 squads of 9 warriors in separate ghost arks, 5 scarab swarms, destroyer lord on his own and 2 c'tan shards. So not exactly the most competitive list, but it obviously worked. It was easy to use as well, ghost arks + warriors shoot and generally stay back and go for objectives. D.lord and c'tan shards assault anything they could and scarabs assault vehicles and then tarpit infantry afterwards (army pictured).

Most necron units only have one purpose, shoot or assault. What you will find is that most assault units have no shooting, wraiths, scarabs, lychguard and most HQs. Obviously it's not that simple, you have to get them into assault with minimal damage, either through using terrain as cover, or nights scythe deployment. Shooting, well necrons don't like to be assaulted so keep as far away as possible with your dedicated shooting units, e.g. keep your annihilation barges 24" away, simples no?

Necrons have got most unit types in the game possible, so as a first army aren't too bad, obviously vanilla marines are better. When I started playing necrons, they were top dogs. So when it came to picking what use it was easy, as they were well known for how deadly they were at the start of 6th. Now with the eldar and tau codexes, they've had their sting taken out of their tail. So you obviously don't hear of them too much, making it that little bit harder to get your foot on the ladder with them.

A good starting force in my opinion will have at least 2 of the following:
- 5 to 10 tesla immortals foot slogging
- 5 gauss immortals in a night scythe
- 10 to 15 warriors on foot
- 5 to 10 warriors in a ghost ark

At least one of the following:
- overlord all of the usual
- d. lord same as above really

And anything else in the book that you feel comfortable using. It's really just playing towards your strengths, I'm personally an aggressive player, so I use assault based units and night scythes. Avoid named characters, just learn how to use the generic ones and then the named ones, but none of them are really worth using in my opinion. 

Don't think I've missed anything, I hope.

Will hopefully get parts 3 and 4 up of my tournament report by the 1st November, hopefully.