Friday, 30 August 2013

Tournament report part 2

Well this is part 2 of my tournament report. If you haven't checked out part 1 yet, then skip back a post and have a read. Format and my list is also in part 1 as well. Points for this round were:
Win=5pts     draw=3pts     lose=1pt

So as I said my first game was against a lovely guy called Steven. He ran a deadly dark eldar list with 8 dark lances, 2 razorwings and 4 raiders. This is the closest I could get to his actual list:

- Archon with haywire grenades, huskblade and shadow field
- 5 Incubi including Klavex with demiklaives in a raider with dark lance, flickerfield and nightshields.
- 10 Kabalite Warriors in a raider with dark lance, splinter racks, nightshields and flickerfield.
- 10 Kabalite Warriors in a raider with dark lance, splinter racks, nightshields and flickerfield.
- 10 Kabalite Warriors in a raider with dark lance, splinter racks, nightshields and flickerfield.
- Razorwing Fighter with 2 dark lances, flickerfield and 4 necrotoxin missiles.
- Razorwing Fighter with 2 dark lances, flickerfield and 4 necrotoxin missiles.

So he deployed with one raider in a building with kabalite warriors in, and the other 3 raiders creating a wall between the building with the raider in and another building in his deployment zone. I deployed so all 3 of my annihilation barges were out of line of sight, so even if he moved then only a maximum of 2 raiders would be able to pull line of sight to any one raider. My ghost arks deploy slightly covered by a building, but pretty much in the open, sort of to pull him away from aiming at my annihilation barges, as I don't mind losing a ghost or 2. I attempt to sieze the initiative, but fail and so onto turn 1. It was crusade with 3 objectives, he got 2 in his deployment zone and I got 1 for mine. He puts both hi in seperate buildings and I put mine behind a building to block line of sight to it. Warlord traits were either useless, or I can't remember them.

Turn 1:
So he moved around slightly to create a complete wall with his raiders. The one that moved out of the building doesn't get immobilised. He fires all of his dark lance into 1 of my ghost arks, aiming at the front armour and all 4 either fail to hit, or fail to glance/penetrate it. The rest of weapons can't harm my vehicles. 

I move all 3 annihilation barges at cruising speed, so they all snap fire, to get into range of his raiders due to the nightshields. I move my ghost arks slightly to get my 5+ cover save on each of them from jink. Shooting goes off, ghost arks do nothing, but I destroy the incubi/archon raider for first blood, but no one dies in the explosion with an annihilation barge. Another annihilation barge blows up a kabalite warrior raider and kills 2 kabalite warriors in the explosion, they are not pinned though. The final annihilation barge fires at the kabalite warrior squad, as its the  only target in range and I only kill 1 and he passes morale as well.

Turn 2:
Only one of his razorwings come on, remaining raiders move around as well. Razorwing fires at a ghost ark and fails to do anything, raiders fire as well and also fail to do anything. Kabalite warriors from the blown up raider, move into cover/building to get closer to an objective, they also run but only move an extra 1". His incubi and archon move and prepare to assault, he makes his charge and only does 2 hull points of damage, I think he got a penetrating hit and shook/stunned it, either way I ignored it with living metal, but thats my quantum shielding gone still though. He's really having rotten luck with his dice rolls today and its only turn 2.

Only one flyer comes on, the one with my immortals and overlord in and I line up the razorwing. Everything else moves about. One annihilation barge fires at another kabalite warrior raider, at full BS and fails to destroy only managing to do 2 hull points of damage and shaking it. 2nd annihilation barge fires at the kabalite warriors going for the objective and kills 4, morale is failed and they run off the board. Ghost arks are in a position so when they fire at the incubi/archon wounds get allocated to incubi. The ghost arks and warriors/crypteks fire at the incubi/archon  and manage to kill 2 incubi and pass morale. The last annihilation barge fires at manages to kill the klaivex and insta kills the archon, due to a failed shadow field save. Currently were tied on objectives, but I'm winning with first blood and slay the warlord. 

Turn 3:
His other razorwing comes in, he backs up the raider thats untouched and disembarks his kabalite warriors onto on objective. His shaken raider backs up slightly, and he snap fires the dark lance into my night scythe and some how destroys the twin-linked tesla destructor on it, dam, his luck might be changing. His razorwing shoots at the damaged ghost ark and wrecks it. His last 2 incubi charge my necron warrior squad from the wrecked ghost ark and they make it in, Overwatch fails to kill either incubi. In combat, 2 necron warriors and the cryptek fall and no incubi die, I pass morale and the cryptek and 1 necron warrior passes their reanimation protocols save.

My other flyer comes in, the other night scythe flies up and drops my immortals near an objective, the one that's unclaimed in his deployment zone. My last ghost ark moves to get into range of his kabalite warrior squad on the objective. My annihilation barges move around, one moves at cruising speed so can only snap fire. Shooting from an annihilation barge wrecks his already damaged raider, the newly arrived night scythe shoots and fails to bring down his remaining flyer, I think I only managed to do 1 HP. The other annihilation barge that moved at combat speed couldn't pull line of sight to the kabalite warrior squad which had just had its raider wrecked, so snap fired at the razorwing and brought it down, the large template landed on my wrecked ghost ark. The annihilation barge that flatted out shoots and explodes the last raider that just dropped its troops off on an objective last turn, the blast, nor the tesla arcing hit the kabalite warriors on the objective, finally the ghost ark and necron warriors inside shoot at his kabalite warrior squad on the objective and kill 2 due lots pf passwd cover saves. Close combat and the incubi only kills one necron warrior, no incubi die and I pass morale, but the necron warrior doesn't stand back up.

Turn 4:
With only 2 incubi and 2 kabalite warrior squads left on the board, Steven was really beginning to feel the pressure. The warrior squad on the objective does nothing turn, the other kabalite warrior aqua not on an objective shoots at my immortals/overlord and kills 2. I then proceed to fail morale and fall back about 7", this actually pulls onto the objective, so if I rally on my turn then they're claiming it. So those 2 immortals can't stand back up again. Back to the necron warrior and incubi combat, his incubi kill 2 more necron warriors, but the remaining 2 and cryptek bring down one of his incubi. I pass morale and one necron warrior stands back up.

My immortals/overlord re-group and along with 2 of my annihilation barges proceed to kill the entire kabalite warrior squad not on an objective. I disembark my necron warriors from their ghost ark onto the objective in my deployment zone, I also disembark my other necron warriors from their night scythe near the other objective in his deployment zone, I'm not in range to contest. Shooting from my night scythe, last annihilation barge, ghost ark and necron warriors kills only 5 kabalite warriors, due to some high cover save rolls, but his high rolls are his downfall as the final 3 fail morale and fall back off the objective. In the final incubi kills my cryptek and fail to kill him off, I pass morale though, but my cryptek doesn't stand back up. So at the end of turn 4 and I've claimed 2 objectives, slay the warlord, first blood and linebreaker. Steven's got 3 kabalite warriors running away, needing insane courage to 
re-group, his final incubi still locked in combat claiming him linebreaker. 

Turn 5:
His final kabalite warriors keep falling back, they shoot at my warriors but fail to do anything. In combat both sides whiff their attacks. 

My necron warriors in his deployment zone move onto the other objective and the they shoot down the last 3 kabalite warriors. In combat both sides whiff again. He rolls to see if the game ends.....

And it does, his line incubi saves him from being tabled and claims him linebreaker. 

final results:
He's got linebreaker with his lone incubi.

I've got warlord, first blood, linebreaker and all 3 crusade objectives.

I think I won that round, taking home the maximum 5 points. 

Afterwards we shook hands and he said well done, and I said that his dice rolling with his dark lances was his downfall. He got bad luck on the first 2 turns with them and failed to do any damage. 

My entire army achieved very well in this game, everything went smoothly and I just stuck to my tactics. Target priorities, the raiders and then drop troops off on objectives. No real MVP in my army for this game, probably Steven's lone incubi was his MVP.

In the rest of the competition; Steven's luck didn't change in round 2 either as I caught with him and he lost that game as well. But in round 3 he found his feet and won a game. 

Round 2 was after lunch and all my nerves had gone away. We sat on the same table as the store managers and they have us a lesson in the psychological game that is warhammer. And these are store managers telling us how to convince your opponent to 
re-deploy his entire army for your advantage, just with some sighs, various glances, eye rubbings, tapping on the table and all sorts really. Who said this game was played fairly haha.

Round 2 and I was against a great guy called Connor Middlemass, and that's all I'm saying until part 3.

Tuesday, 27 August 2013

Tournament report part 1

So I went to my competition that I said I was going to, but the question is did get everything done on time for it??????

Well if you look at the image above, then you can see that I did manage to get everything built and fully painted before the competition, well 20:45 the night before. You might have noticed that the left ghost ark is damaged, more than slightly as well. 5 out of 10 of the gauss flayers have fallen off of it. I brought them with me and asked a judge (my local store's manager) and he said that I wouldn't lose any points if they were broken off. So that was it, my army was set up and all my problems had been solved. 

My list in short was:
Overlord, MSS, weave, warscythe + res orb
3 stormteks
5 warriors ghost ark
5 warriors ghost ark
5 warriors night scythe
5 gauss immortals night scythe
Annihilation barge tesla cannon
Annihilation barge tesla cannon
Annihilation barge tesla cannon

As I waited for my first opponent I caught up with a some familiar faces. To my disheartening I recognised one person I didn't want to see on the 40K tables. Back at the 1000pts tournament earlier this year he brought the 12 wraiths list (pictured up in earlier posts). He was back with his necrons again, and at 1250pts he had 18 wraiths. I wished him good luck and he said he was thinking if bringing a triptide list, but couldn't get it  finished in time.

Pairings for each round would be as follows; 
Round 1: pick someone who isn't from your local store 
Round 2 + 3; opponent picked for you from a different store again, except done Swiss style.
Winning store would be the ones who scored the highest average (total score/total number of players for that store)

So as I sat down next to my army and waited for someone to place their army on the same table. I watched as someone from my store came up to my table said "no, just no" and turned around and headed for another table. That was before we got told to play someone from another store. About another 4 players done the same, they were just too scared of my necrons. Eventually a judge said "does anyone want to play this fine gentlemen here, with his necrons on the end table there who's not from his store?". Eventually someone plucked up the courage and placed their army next to mine.

His name was Steven McVikar and he was lovely chap. He had a nicely painted dark eldar army, and a cunning plan to break anyone's morale. I was confident going into this competition that I'd have a shot of winning. Then Steve started his cunning plan, he had 8 dark lances in total in his army, 2 razorwings and 4 raiders. This spelt doom for AV13 wall tactic with my necrons. He also then told me that he'd played necrons for 7/8 years before this and knew all the strongest and weakest points of the necrons, and most of the tactics. Oh and did I mention he got first turn and it was night fighting turn 1. So all my confidence was gone, he had plenty of anti-tank fire and night vision to ignore cover granted from night forgetting. Yikes I was now really nervous, see how that game goes in part 2. 

Post a comment below on how you think this game will go, and if I have a chance on winning the whole tournament?

Monday, 26 August 2013

Apocalypse, what does it bring to necrons

Well, finished my exams now and had a good long holiday, but now back to it all, back to reality I guess.

APOCALYPSE!!!!! Yes the new rules set was released a month or 2 ago, to bring it more in line with the current 6th edition rules. I haven't got a copy of the book, but I had a flick through it and necrons got a reasonable number of formations, compared to what we used to have. 

The infinite phalanx looked interesting and so to did the acquisition phalanx. The formations were basically units that we'd love to field in regular games together, but either cost too much in points, or just aren't competitive. Lets take the acquisition phalanx, it really emphasises the surrogate host rule of Trazyn the infinite, in regular games I'd personally love to field Trazyn and 20 lychguard, so he becomes unkillable as he keeps replacing lychguard. But in regular games it costs 975pts with no upgrades for the models and will just get blown away in a few turns. 

But that's what apocalypse is really all about for all armies, getting to field those units that you've always wanted to field together, even if its completely hilarious and wouldn't work in regular games. But that's why they say come the apocalypse.

Necrons were also very lucky, in that we got access to not one, but 2 new big toys. I'm not going to go into the rules of each one, but I am going to talk about the kit. When I first read rumours of necrons getting to share the line-light for apocalypse with chaos, I didn't believe it. I only started to believe when pictures came through. I think the kit looks great, at first glances it looks like a big monolith,  but if you get to look a one properly, then you'll see the wraith bodies on the sides and all the little scarabs inside. There's also something called a transcendent c'tan inside, I don't really know the fluff behind it so I'm going to feed you with false knowledge. But depending on which one you build, you can mount on a flying stand and use it in your regular games as a c'tan. In my opinion he's different looking and that's great, he really stands out compared to the current 2 c'tan models.

Forge world also put their mark on apocalypse, by releasing an updated version of their imperial armour apocalypse book. In which the necrons also got some more formations, again I haven't got a copy of this book and nor have I even flicked through so no real rules to discuss.
But forge world did release this contents page. The necrons have the following formations:
- Teserect Ark
- Sentry Pylon
- Tomb Citadel
- Tomb Fortress
- City of the Dead
- Gauss Pylon
- Pylon Network
Oh good 3 formations which include the really big necron specific realm of battle game board tiles. The necron terrain does look great, but even for apocalypse it's a bit big. If you've got the space then it's really good and for themed games, but otherwise it might ruin the game with all the rules. Apocalypse is for you to field   loads of miniatures, and not just your usual amount with some terrain. They're battles of epic scale and not a city raid. The new formation with 8 monoliths and one of the new ones (can't remember which one post below which one it is if you know) is what I'm talking about. But that's forge world for you, always doing the massive, the cool, the weird, the hilarious and just stupid ideas. 

But that's just my opinion on it, please by all means get the terrain it looks great and works well with the current necron miniature range. What's your opinion on the whole necrons and apocalypse? Please leave a comment below.